


Our biggest honour…

Posted by on Jul 18, 2016 in Awards, Blog, Illustration, Opinion, Testimony | No Comments

Sometimes life plays out better than what you had in your head. If you have a career, or career path, chances are that you’ve set some goals and milestones to help you move along that path. It’s kind of amazing and knocks you about when you receive recognition for something you never expected, or are awarded […]

Five things to look for in an Illustrator or Graphic Designer

Five things to look for in an Illustrator or Graphic Designer

Posted by on Dec 6, 2013 in Blog, Opinion | No Comments

Finding a top quality illustrator or designer is a challenge. It seems that everyone with a pirated or “student” copy of Adobe Creative Suite can illustrate or design what you need. If you don’t have a degree in art or design, how can you tell if they’ll be able to come up with what you […]

Illustration Focus – It’s Who We Are

Illustration Focus – It’s Who We Are

Back in 2010, Kelly and I sat down and over the course of multiple lunches we made the bold proclamation that we wanted to create a studio that allowed us to focus on illustrative work. Well that’s exactly what we set out to do and also what came to be. Looking at our early portfolio, […]

Pulp Studios for the Win!

Pulp Studios for the Win!

Posted by on Mar 10, 2010 in Applied Arts, Illustration, News | No Comments

Last month we submitted our self-promotional piece, Victory March, to the 2010 Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Annual Competition and won! The piece, painted by Corey, will be featured in the June/July Annual and at the Annual Exhibition. It’s a great honor and we are so excited about being recognized in a national competition. You can […]

Illustration for Applied Arts Advertisement

Illustration for Applied Arts Advertisement

Posted by on Jan 25, 2010 in Applied Arts, Illustration | No Comments

Good day everyone. I’ve recently completed my illustration for an ad for our Applied Arts advertisement. This image will appear as an ad in the Applied Arts magazine in the June/July Photography and Illustration Annual and we will receive 250 art cards to use as self promotion. I had an amazing time working on this […]